Ethereum: How do you get the OP_HASH160 value from a bitcoin address?

Understanding the values ​​op_hash160 Ethereum and Bitcoin addresses

When you try to sign a Coinbase transaction with a specific shortcut, you probably encounter an unknown mistake. This article aims to explain how to get the value “op_hash160” from the Bitcoin address.

Understanding the shortcut function

Before immersing yourself in this topic, it is necessary to understand the abbreviation function in cryptocurrency transactions. The abbreviation function is a one -way process that transforms the data of any size into a string of a fixed length known as an abbreviation. In Ethereum, the value “op_hash160” is part of a larger transaction signature.

The most commonly used abbreviation function in Blockchain Ethereum is the Keccak-256 shortcut function. Here’s how it works:


  • Keyed-Hashing for message authentication (K-HMAC)

    : The value op_hash160 is the result of the use of KECCAK-256 to the Bitcoin address in a specific order.

Creating the values ​​op_hash160 'from the Bitcoin address

To create the value "op_hash160", you must take these steps:

  • Get the Bitcoin address : Find the Bitcoin address in the Ethereum wallet.

  • format the Bitcoin address : Convert your Bitcoin address to bytes in the format required by the Keccak-256 abbreviation:

* Byte (32 bits) is represented as0x01, 0x02, ...,0x5e.

  • Apply the Keccak-256 abbreviation function: Use a library or impress the KECCAK-256 algorithm on the platform to generate a 20-tank semi-semi-semi-semi-semi-seven.

Here is an example using JavaScript and the Web3 library (for Ethereum wallets):


Const web3 = requires ("web3");

// Download Bitcoin address

Const bitcoinaddress = '1a1a1 ...'; // replace your actual address

// Create a new web3 instance

Const provider = new web3.providers.httpprovider ('

// Convert Bitcoin address to bytes

let Bitcoinbytes = buffer.from (Bitcoinaddress, "hex");

// Apply the Keccak-256 shortcut function

const ophash160 = keccak256 (0x01 ... Bitcoinbytes);

console.log (ophash160. Tostling ("hex")); // Exit: 0x1234567890123456789

Coinbase transaction signature

To create a Coinbase transaction signature, you need to use the “op_hash160value along with other parameters. The correct format is:



"Transaction": {

// Other transaction data ...

"Nonce": number,

"GasePrice": number,

"Blocknumber": Number


"signature": {

"Type": "Hash-160",

"Value": ophash160



Remember to replace “own_project_id” with your Infura project ID.

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