The Meaning Of “Rekt” In Crypto Trading Culture

The meaning of “rect” in the culture of crypto trade

In the world of cryptocurrency, slang has become an essential element of the commercial community. A sentence that attracted considerable attention and popularity is “rect”. In this article, we are immersed in ourselves what “rect” means, its origin, and how it becomes an essential element of cryptographic culture.

What does “rect” mean?

Basically, “rect” refers to a situation where someone is completely deceived or exceeded in the cryptocurrencies. In other words, when someone was beaten so seriously that he or she does not find themselves at all to recover their losses.

The term drew attention to the promotion of Crypto Trader and writer Tim Draper, who used on Twitter to express his disappointment on the market during a specific negotiation strategy. Since then, the “rect” has become a widely accepted sentence in the cryptocurrency community.

The origin of the term

The origin of the term “rect” is not clear, but it would have been between 2017 and 2018. It is possible that the Krypto dealer and writer Eric Thomas (also known as “and”) invented him who used him. On Twitter to describe your own loser professions.

Another theory suggests that the term can come from the same popular internet, “rect”, which indicates a situation where someone is completely deceived or exceeded. In this context, “rect” is used to pass on a fully humiliated or defeated thought in the markets.

The effect on cryptographic culture

As he received “rect” popularity, he began to enter the culture of traditional cryptography. Many merchants and cryptocurrency investors have begun punishment to express their disappointments or disappointments with a specific negotiation strategy or a decision-making process.

On the social media platform, such as Twitter, Reddit and Telegram, the term has become a gathering cry for those frustrated by market fluctuations or loss of transactions. It is not uncommon for merchants to publish their “rect” experiences on social networks, either by sharing stories or expressing their disappointment in a particular profession.

Advantages of using “rect”

Then why did crypto dealers and investors begin to accept the term “rect”? Here are some possible benefits:

  • Emotional liberation : Using the term can be an effective tool for expressing frustration, anger or disappointment in a controlled environment. This can help merchants to publish oppressed emotions related to trading experience.

  • Community Obligation : A widespread use of “rect” has created a community feeling among merchants and cryptocurrency investors who share similar experiences and frustrations.

  • Valid the market : Using the term, merchants are able to enforce their own experience with market fluctuations or loss of trade, which can help them feel more confident in their commercial decisions.


The term “rect” has become an essential part of cryptographic culture, symbolizing the feeling of defeat and disappointment among merchants. Although its origin is unclear, it is clear that the term was widely accepted in the cryptocurrency community.

While markets continue to fluctuate and implement new strategies, the use of “rect” is likely to continue to be a vital aspect of cryptographic culture. Whether you are an experienced trader or just start, kissing the sentence can help you target the most difficult market conditions.

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The information in this article is for fun purposes only. Before making investment decisions, its own research and consultation of experts are essential.

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